10 Simple Top Tips for fat loss

10 Simple Top Tips for fat loss

How to create a sustainable fat loss programme  The biggest mistake people make when embarking on a fat loss diet is cutting out most, if not all the foods they love and enjoy. When we drastically reduce our calorie intake, we get tired, irritable, and hungry! What...
How to create well formed desired outcomes

How to create well formed desired outcomes

How to create desired outcomes in 7 easy stepsRichard Bandler and John Grinder, the creators of NLP defined a well-formed outcome in (1979) Frogs into Princes as follows:“A Well-formed outcome is a term originating in Neuro-Linguistic Programming for an outcome one...
The midlife crisis and marriage

The midlife crisis and marriage

Is the midlife crisis a modern myth? | The female midlife crisis   | The male midlife crisis | Midlife infidelity and marriage breakup | Talking therapies for midlife marriage problems | Self-help for the midlife crisis Typical midlife crisis symptomsThere are very...