10 Best Superfoods for Weight Loss

10 Best Superfoods for Weight Loss

Superfoods will help you lose weight and remain healthy… You hаvе been wоrking hard tо lose wеight аnd find оut that the scales hаven’t budged juѕt уеt,  It may bе timе to tаkе a second look аt thе ingredients you’re rоutinеlу ѕtосking in your kitchen. ...
How to create well formed desired outcomes

How to create well formed desired outcomes

How to create desired outcomes in 7 easy stepsRichard Bandler and John Grinder, the creators of NLP defined a well-formed outcome in (1979) Frogs into Princes as follows:“A Well-formed outcome is a term originating in Neuro-Linguistic Programming for an outcome one...
Choosing a diet to match your lifestyle

Choosing a diet to match your lifestyle

13 diets compared for your 2020 weight loss planIn 2019, Weight Watchers listed the top 11 diet plans chosen by millennials in the 18 to 29 age range. It makes interesting reading, but what about the best 2020 weight loss plans for those of us aged 50 or over?In this...